The Liturgy of the Hours
Compiled by Fr. Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

Index of Psalms and Canticles
used in the Four-Week Psalter

Ps 1 Week 1: Sunday OR There are two ways a man may take
Ps 2 Week 1: Sunday OR The Messiah, king and conqueror
Ps 3 Week 1: Sunday OR I am safe in the Lord's keeping
Ps 4 Night Prayer: after EP-I on Sun Thanksgiving
Ps 5:2-10, 12-13 Week 1: Monday MP A morning prayer asking for help
Ps 6 Week 1: Monday OR A suffering man cries to God for mercy
Ps 7 (I&II) Week 1: Monday DP Prayer of a God-fearing man who is being calumniated
Ps 8 Weeks 2 & 4: Saturday MP The majesty of the Lord and man's dignity
Ps 9A (I&II) Week 1: Monday OR Thanksgiving for victory
Ps 10 (I&II) Week 1: Tuesday OR Prayer of thanksgiving
Ps 11 Week 1: Monday EP God is the unfailing support of the just
Ps 12 Week 1: Tuesday OR A cry for God's help against powerful oppressors
Ps 13 Week 1: Tuesday DP The lament of the just man who does not lose hope in God
Ps 14 Week 1: Tuesday DP The foolishness of sinners
Ps 15 Week 1: Monday EP Who is worthy to stand in God's presence?
Ps 16 Week 2: Sunday EP1 & Night Prayer: Thursday The Lord himself is my heritage
Ps 17 (I&II) Week 1: Wednesday DP Save me, Lord, from those who hate you
Ps 18:2-30 (I&II&III) Week 1: Wednesday OR Thanksgiving for salvation and victory
Ps 18:31-51 (IV&V&VI) Week 1: Thursday OR Hymn of Thanksgiving
Ps 19A Week 2: Monday MP Praise of the Lord, Creator of all
Ps 19B Week 1: Monday DP Praise of God who gave us the law of love
Ps 20 Week 1: Tuesday EP A prayer for the king's victory
Ps 21:2-8, 14 Week 1: Tuesday EP Thanksgiving for the king's victory
Ps 22 (I&II&III) Week 3: Friday DP God hears the suffering of his Holy One
Ps 23 Weeks 2 & 4: Sunday DP The Good Shepherd
Ps 24 Week 1: Tuesday MP & Week 4: Sunday OR; also alt. Invitatory The Lord's entry into his temple
Ps 25 (I&II) Week 1: Thursday DP Prayer for God's favor and protection
Ps 26 Week 1: Friday DP Trusting prayer of an innocent man
Ps 27 (I&II) Week 1: Wednesday EP God stands by us in dangers
Ps 28:1-3, 6-9 Week 1: Friday DP Entreaty and thanksgiving
Ps 29 Week 1: Monday MP A tribute of praise to the Word of God
Ps 30 Week 1: Thursday EP Thanksgiving for deliverance from death
Ps 31:1-6 Night Prayer: Wednesday Trustful prayer in adversity
Ps 31:1-17, 20-25 (I&II&III) Week 2: Monday OR A troubled persons' confident appeal to God
Ps 32 Week 1: Thursday EP They are happy whose sins are forgiven
Ps 33 Week 1: Tuesday MP Song of praise for God's continual care
Ps 34 (I&II) Weeks 1 & 3: Saturday DP God the savior of the just
Ps 35:1-2, 3c, 9-19, 22-23, 27-28 (I&II&III) Week 1: Friday OR The Lord as Savior in time of persecution
Ps 36 Week 1: Wednesday MP The malice of sinners and God's goodness
Ps 37 (I&II&III) Week 2: Tuesday OR The lot of the wicked and the good
Ps 38 (I&II&III) Week 2: Friday OR A sinner in extreme danger prays earnestly to God
Ps 39 (I&II) Week 2: Wednesday OR Urgent prayer of a sick person
Ps 40:2-14, 17-18 (I&II) Week 2: Monday DP Thanksgiving and plea for help
Ps 41 Week 1: Friday EP Prayer of a sick person
Ps 42 Week 2: Monday MP Longing for the Lord's presence in his Temple
Ps 43 Week 2: Tuesday MP Longing for the Temple
Ps 44 (I&II&III) Weeks 2 & 4: Thursday OR The misfortunes of God's people
Ps 45 (I&II) Week 2: Monday EP & Week 4: Saturday DP The marriage of the king
Ps 46 Week 1: Friday EP God our refuge and strength
Ps 47 Week 1: Wednesday MP The Lord Jesus is King of all
Ps 48 Week 1: Thursday MP Thanksgiving for the people's deliverance
Ps 49 (I&II) Week 2: Tuesday EP Emptiness of riches
Ps 50 (I&II&III) Week 3: Monday OR Genuine love of God
Ps 50 (I&II&III) Week 4: Saturday OR (only in Ordinary Time) Genuine love of God
Ps 51 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Friday MP O God, have mercy on me
Ps 52 Week 2: Wednesday OR Against a calumniator
Ps 53 Week 2: Tuesday DP The foolishness of sinners
Ps 54:1-6, 8-9 Week 2: Tuesday DP Plea for help
Ps 55:2-15, 17-24 (I&II) Week 2: Wednesday DP Against a friend proved traitor
Ps 55:2-15, 17-24 (I&II) Week 4: Friday OR (only in Ordinary Time) Against a false friend
Ps 56:2-7b, 9-14 Week 2: Thursday DP Trust in God's word
Ps 57 Week 1: Thursday MP & Week 2: Thursday DP Morning prayer in affliction
Ps 59:2-5, 10-11, 17-18 Week 2: Friday DP Prayer for help against enemies
Ps 60 Week 2: Friday DP Prayer after disaster
Ps 61 Week 2: Saturday DP Prayer of an exile
Ps 62 Week 2: Wednesday EP Peace in God
Ps 63:2-9 Week 1: Sunday MP A soul thirsting for God
Ps 64 Week 2: Saturday DP Prayer for help against enemies
Ps 65 Week 2: Tuesday MP Solemn thanksgiving
Ps 66 (I&II) Week 4: Sunday OR Eucharistic hymn
Ps 67 Week 2: Wednesday EP & Week 3: Tuesday MP; also alt. Invitatory People of all nations will worship the Lord
Ps 68 (I&II&III) Week 3: Tuesday OR The Lord's triumphant entrance into his sanctuary
Ps 69:2-22, 30-37 (I&II&III) Week 3: Friday OR I am consumed with zeal for your house
Ps 70 Week 3: Wednesday DP O God, come to my aid
Ps 71 (I&II) Week 3: Monday DP You have stood by me, Lord, from my youth
Ps 72:1-19 (I&II) Week 2: Thursday EP The Messiah's royal power
Ps 73 (I&II&III) Week 4: Monday OR Why is it that the good have many troubles?
Ps 74 (I&II) Week 3: Tuesday DP Lament for the destruction of the Temple
Ps 75 Week 3: Wednesday DP The Lord, the ruler over all
Ps 76 (I&II) Weeks 2 & 4: Sunday DP Thanksgiving for victory
Ps 77 Week 2: Wednesday MP Recalling God's works
Ps 78:1-39 (I&II&III) Week 4: Friday OR (only in Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter) Salvation history reveals the goodness of God and the faithlessness of his people
Ps 78:40-72 (IV&V&VI) Week 4: Saturday OR (only in Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter) Salvation history reveals the goodness of God and the faithlessness of his people
Ps 79:1-5, 8-11, 13 Week 3: Thursday DP Lament for Jerusalem
Ps 80 Week 2: Thursday MP & Week 3: Thursday DP Lord, come, take care of your vineyard
Ps 81 Week 2: Thursday MP Solemn renewal of the covenant
Ps 82 Week 4: Monday DP Denunciation of evil judges
Ps 84 Week 3: Monday MP Longing for God's Temple
Ps 85 Week 3: Tuesday MP Our salvation is near
Ps 86 Week 3: Wednesday MP & Night Prayer: Monday The prayer of the poor man in distress
Ps 87 Week 3: Thursday MP Jerusalem is mother of us all
Ps 88 (I&II) Week 4: Tuesday DP & Night Prayer: Friday Prayer of a person who is gravely ill
Ps 89:2-38 (I&II&III) Week 3: Wednesday OR God's favors to the house of David
Ps 89:39-53 (IV&V) Week 3: Thursday OR Lament for the fall of David's dynasty
Ps 90 Week 3: Thursday OR & Week 4: Monday MP May we live in the radiance of God
Ps 91 Night Prayer: after EP-II on Sun Safe in God's sheltering care
Ps 92 Weeks 2 & 4: Saturday MP Praise of God the Creator
Ps 93 Week 3: Sunday MP Splendor of God the Creator
Ps 94 (I&II) Week 4: Wednesday DP The Lord will avenge the just
Ps 95 ORDINARY: INVITATORY Psalm A call to praise God
Ps 96 Week 3: Monday MP The Lord, king and judge of the world
Ps 97 Week 2: Wednesday MP The glory of the Lord in his decrees for the world
Ps 98 Week 3: Wednesday MP The Lord triumphs in his judgment
Ps 99 Week 3: Thursday MP Holy is the Lord our God
Ps 100 Weeks 1 & 3: Friday MP; also alt. Invitatory Psalm The joyful song of those entering God's temple
Ps 101 Week 4: Tuesday MP Avowal of a good ruler
Ps 102 (I&II&III) Week 4: Tuesday OR The longings and prayers of an exile
Ps 103 (I&II&III) Week 4: Wednesday OR Praise for God's tender compassion
Ps 104 (I&II&III) Week 2: Sunday OR Hymn to God the Creator
Ps 105 (I&II&III) Week 1: Saturday OR (only in Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter) The Lord is faithful to his promises
Ps 106 (I&II&III) Week 2: Saturday OR (only in Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter) The goodness of the Lord; the faithlessness of his people
Ps 107 (I&II&III) Week 3: Saturday OR Thanksgiving for deliverance
Ps 108 Week 4: Wednesday MP Praise of God and a plea for help
Ps 109 OMITTED x
Ps 110:1-5, 7 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Sunday EP2 The Messiah, king and priest
Ps 111 Week 3: Sunday EP2 God's marvelous works
Ps 112 Week 4: Sunday EP2 The happiness of the just man
Ps 113 Week 3: Sunday EP1 Praise the name of the Lord
Ps 114 Week 1: Sunday EP2 The Israelites are delivered from the bondage of Egypt
Ps 115 Week 2: Sunday EP2 Praise of the true God
Ps 116:1-9 Week 2: Friday EP Thanksgiving
Ps 116:10-19 Week 3: Sunday EP1 Thanksgiving in the Temple
Ps 117 Weeks 1 & 3: Saturday MP Praise for God's loving compassion
Ps 118 (I&II&III) Weeks 1 & 3: Sunday DP Song of joy for salvation
Ps 118 (whole) Weeks 2 & 4: Sunday MP Song of joy for salvation
Ps 119:1-8 (I: Aleph) Week 1: Tuesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:9-16 (II: Beth) Week 1: Wednesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:17-24 (III: Ghimel) Week 1: Thursday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:25-32 (IV: Daleth) Week 1: Friday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:33-40 (V: He) Week 1: Saturday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:41-48 (VI: Vau) Week 2: Monday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:49-56 (VII: Zain) Week 2: Tuesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:57-64 (VIII: Heth) Week 2: Wednesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:65-72 (IX: Teth) Week 2: Thursday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:73-80 (X: Yod) Week 2: Friday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:81-88 (XI: Caph) Week 2: Saturday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:89-96 (XII: Lamed) Week 3: Monday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:97-104 (XIII: Mem) Week 3: Tuesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:105-112 (XIV: Nun) Week 2: Sunday EP1 & Week 3: Wednesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:113-120 (XV: Samech) Week 3: Thursday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:121-128 (XVI: Ain) Week 3: Saturday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:129-136 (XVII: Pe) Week 4: Monday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:137-144 (XVIII: Sade) Week 4: Tuesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:145-152 (XIX: Koph) Weeks 1 & 3: Saturday MP & Week 4: Wednesday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:153-160 (XX: Resh) Week 4: Thursday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:161-168 (XXI: Shin) Week 4: Friday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 119:169-176 (XXII: Tau) Week 4: Saturday DP A meditation on God's law
Ps 120 Week 4: Monday DP & Complementary Psalmody: Midmorning Longing for peace
Ps 121 Week 2: Friday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midmorning Guardian of his people
Ps 122 Week 4: Sunday EP1 & Complementary Psalmody: Midmorning The holy city, Jerusalem
Ps 123 Week 3: Monday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midday The Lord, unfailing hope of his people
Ps 124 Week 3: Monday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midday Our help is in the name of the Lord
Ps 125 Week 3: Tuesday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midday The Lord, guardian of his people
Ps 126 Week 3: Wednesday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midafternooon Joyful hope in God
Ps 127 Week 3: Wednesday EP & Complementary Psalmody: Midafternooon Apart from God our labors are worthless
Ps 128 Week 4: Thursday DP & Complementary Psalmody: Midafternooon Happiness of family life rooted in God
Ps 129 Week 4: Thursday DP God's people reaffirm their trust in time of affliction
Ps 130 Week 4: Sunday EP1 & Night Prayer: Wednesday A cry from the depths
Ps 131 Week 3: Tuesday EP Childlike trust in God
Ps 131 Week 1: Saturday OR (only in Ordinary Time) Childlike trust in God
Ps 132 (I&II) Week 3: Thursday EP God's promises to the house of David
Ps 132 (I&II) Week 1: Saturday OR (only in Ordinary Time) Divine promise to the house of David
Ps 133 Week 4: Friday DP Joy when hearts are united in love
Ps 134 Night Prayer: after EP-I on Sun Evening prayer in the temple
Ps 135 (I&II) Week 3: Friday EP Praise for the wonderful things God does for us
Ps 135:1-12 Week 4: Monday MP Praise for the wonderful things God does for us
Ps 136 (I&II) Week 4: Monday EP Easter hymn
Ps 136 (I&II&III) Week 2: Saturday OR (only in Ordinary Time) Paschal hymn
Ps 137:1-6 Week 4: Tuesday EP By the rivers of Babylon
Ps 138 Week 4: Tuesday EP Thanksgiving
Ps 139:1-18, 23-24 (I&II) Week 4: Wednesday EP God sees all that is
Ps 140:1-9, 13-14 Week 4: Friday DP Lord, you are my refuge
Ps 141:1-9 Week 1: Sunday EP1 A prayer when in danger
Ps 142 Week 1: Sunday EP1 You, Lord, are my refuge
Ps 143:1-11 Week 4: Thursday MP & Night Prayer: Tuesday Prayer in distress
Ps 144 (I&II) Week 4: Thursday EP Prayer for victory and peace
Ps 144:1-10 Week 4: Tuesday MP Prayer for victory and peace
Ps 145 (I&II&III) Week 3: Sunday OR & Week 4: Friday EP Praise of God's majesty
Ps 146 Week 4: Wednesday MP Those who trust in God know what it is to be happy
Ps 147:1-11 Week 4: Thursday MP The loving kindness of God who can do all he wills
Ps 147:12-20 Weeks 2 & 4: Friday MP The restoration of Jerusalem
Ps 148 Week 3: Sunday MP Praise to the Lord, the Creator
Ps 149 Week 1: Sunday MP The joy of God's holy people
Ps 150 Weeks 2 & 4: Sunday MP Praise the Lord
Exod 15:1-4a, 8-13, 17-18 Week 1: Saturday MP Hymn of victory after the crossing of the Red Sea
Deut 32:1-12 Week 2: Saturday MP God's kindness to his people
1 Sam 2:1-10 Week 2: Wednesday MP The humble find joy in God
1 Chr 29:10-13 Week 1: Monday MP Glory and honor are due to God alone
Tobit 13:1-8 Week 1: Tuesday MP God afflicts but only to heal
Tobit 13:8-11, 13-15 Week 4: Friday MP Thanksgiving for the people's deliverance
Judith 16:2-3a, 13-15 Week 1: Wednesday MP God who created the world takes care of his people
Wis 9:1-6, 9-11 Week 3: Saturday MP Lord, give me wisdom
Sirach 36:1-5, 10-13 Week 2: Monday MP Prayer of entreaty for the holy city, Jerusalem
Isa 2:2-5 Week 3: Monday MP The mountain of the Lord's dwelling towers above every mountain
Isa 12:1-6 Week 2: Thursday MP Joy of God's ransomed people
Isa 26:1-4, 7-9, 12 Week 3: Tuesday MP Hymn after the defeat of the enemy
Isa 33:13-16 Week 3: Wednesday MP God's flawless judgment
Isa 38:10-14, 17-20 Week 2: Tuesday MP Anguish of a dying man and joy in his restoration
Isa 40:10-17 Week 3: Thursday MP The Good Shepherd: God most high and most wise
Isa 42:10-16 Week 4: Monday MP God victor and savior
Isa 45:15-25 Week 1: Friday MP People of all nations will become disciples of the Lord
Isa 61:10—62:5 Week 4: Wednesday MP The prophet's joy in the vision of a new Jerusalem
Isa 66:10-14a Week 4: Thursday MP Joys of heaven
Jer 14:17-21 Week 3: Friday MP The lament of the people in war and famine
Jer 31:10-14 Week 1: Thursday MP The happiness of a people who have been redeemed
Ezek 36:24-28 Week 4: Saturday MP The Lord will renew his people
Dan 3:26, 27, 29, 34-41 Week 4: Tuesday MP Azariah's prayer in the furnace
Dan 3:52-57 Weeks 2 & 4: Sunday MP Let all creatures praise the Lord
Dan 3:57-88, 56 Weeks 1 & 3: Sunday MP Let all creatures praise the Lord
Hab 3:2-4, 13a, 15-19 Week 2: Friday MP God comes to judge
Luke 1:46-55 ORDINARY EP: Mary's Magnificat The soul rejoices in the Lord
Luke 1:68-79 ORDINARY MP: Zechariah's Benedictus The Messiah and his forerunner
Luke 2:29-32 ORDINARY NP: Simeon's Nunc Dimittis Christ is the light of the nations and the glory of Israel
Eph 1:3-10 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Monday EP God our Savior
Phil 2:6-11 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Sunday EP1 Christ, God's holy servant
Col 1:12-20 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Wednesday EP Christ the first-born of all creation and the first-born from the dead
1 Tim 3:16 Only on Epiphany & Transfiguration The mystery and glory of Christ
1 Peter 2:21-24 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Sunday EP2 (only in Lent) The willing acceptance of his passion by Christ, the servant of God
Rev 4:11; 5:9, 10, 12 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Tuesday EP Redemption hymn
Rev 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a Weeks 1,2,3,4: Thursday EP The judgment of God
Rev 15:3-4 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Friday EP Hymn of adoration
Rev 19:1-7 Weeks 1,2,3,4: Sunday EP2 (except in Lent) The wedding of the Lamb


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